June Deep Dive

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Hiring Your First Employee

In the life cycle of most businesses, there comes a point where you’ve got to hire to keep growing and building.  This can feel daunting on many levels.  We frequently hear questions about:

  • Writing a job description
  • Deciding whether you need an employee or an independent contractor
  • Looking for candidates.  Interviewing.  Reference checking.  Background checking.  
  • Bonding and insuring.  
  • Reporting to the government.
  • Setting up payroll.  Record keeping, Time clocks.  Creating systems and supervision.  
  • Contracts.  Reviews.  
  • Your rights as an employer, Their rights as an employee.

We’ve invited HR Pro Sarah Franks to be the guest for this Deep Dive, where you’ll get the rundown on what you need to know and have a chance to get your own questions answered.  

Join Us on Zoom:  MONDAY, JUNE 24 at 4PM ET

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Check out our Deep Dive Webinar Gallery

View our past Deep Dive Webinars on topics ranging from growth, marketing, money, and more!

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More Upcoming Events

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Small Business Success Summit

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Get advice from our panel of small business owners who have successfully navigated the system to land their products on retail shelves.

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September Forever Forward: Telling Your Story

How do you tell your brand's story? Join us for advice and guidance so you can craft your story in a way that connects with and engages customers.

There's only one thing missing at Entrepreneurs Forever.